Ep 6 - Getting the Family involved.
Eric –Welcome to episode #6 of the Canadian Prepper Podcast…First Youtube LIVE! Getting the family involved. . . My name is Eric, and I’m the host of the show. I am based in southern Ontario. I’m a hunter, target shooter, HAM radio operator (VE3EPN), and computer geek. I got into preparedness when I was working front line in emergency services and witnessed an over reliance on Emergency Services during major events, such has ice storms, power outages, etc. I started a small preparedness company to help get people prepared and able to look after themselves for at least 72 hours, if not longer.
Ian – My name is Ian, co-host of the show. I live on Vancouver Island, on a small hobby farm. I am an outdoor enthusiast, target shooter, reloader, and my farm’s designated handyman.
I have had a lifelong interest in preparedness, and am gladly learning new skills on a regular basis. My professional background has allowed me to see pretty much every province and territory in Canada. It also has taught me to prepare for abnormal situations daily.
Eric – We have some great content for you in this episode, We’re going to start off with some recent news articles relating to preparedness. Next Ian and myself will be letting you know how we’ve improved our preparedness since our last episode, (listener feedback?), and then were going to get into the main topic for this episode, Getting family and friends involved in preparedness.
NEWS - GM plant Closing in Oshawa - Covered on the other CPP politically, but the actual SHTF moment for many cannot be understated. A slow motion cash bomb just went off there.Spin off economy s huge.(Keep 3 months salary squirreled away) First mover advantage can be key here, unless they save the plant last minute.
Inevitable Fire sale on houses, Cars, toys. Not to be a vulture, but there is a prepper opportunity to gear up as the closure approaches. Hard fact, but still a fact.
Power outage affects hundreds of thousands in Saskatchewan -
Pandemonium? Seriously?…
Dow tumbles over 1300 points in 2 days.
Economic downturns happen regularly. Relates to retirement, current wealth, and job losses leading to societal degradation.
Ian - Not much time off lately. WIll have two weeks to do some work momentarily. Then xmas rush. Prepped some brass. Refinished a bare steel gun to keep the rust away. Inventory update underway, and stocked up on some more food we had depleted. Costco is our friend. American Costco is even better.
Eric - Absolutely nothing prepping wise. . . sometimes it happens
Main topic- Getting the wife and kids prepared (Thx to Brad)
Ian - Hard to judge, depending on how receptive your target audience is to change or rational discourse. Always keep the emotion to a minimum. Use facts and real-world issues always, not ‘the walking dead’. (Frustrates me on the lack of a BOB every episode)
DO NOT WATCH DOOMSDAY PREPPERS. A good starter book to have around - The modern Survival guide - Surviving the economic collapse. By Fernando “Ferfal” Aguirre. https://www.amazon.ca/Modern-Survival-Manual-Surviving-Economic/dp/9870563457?SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duc12-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=9870563457
Always work around the 3 tenets
Cost Savings -
Peace of mind -
Less Reliance -
Eric - If unable to have a heart to heart immediately, Slow introduction may be necessary.
-Relate current news events (ie Forest fires) to what you would do in the same situation
-Emphasize the slow gov’t reaction to provide aid. (Fort McMurray Fire or Calgary flood)
-Gently mock the lineups at the gas station. (Hurricane Sandy New jersey)
Ian - First Aid course. - Gentle intro into the world where all is not clean or safe. You have to fix things, not someone else.
Sell it as:
Means of getting a raise at work. (WCB level 1, etc)
Less need to run to emergency room (less reliance)
First responder capability if you see someone in the ditch. (Community service, peace of mind, less reliance)
Kids get it as babysitting jobs mandate it. (initial Revenue generation)
-Also helps pad their resume seeking first real job.
Open topics
Canadian Government website - https://www.getprepared.gc.ca/cnt/plns/mk-pln-en.aspx
- Step by step online plan maker, total of 8 steps. . .
- Safe exits from home and neighbourhood
- Meeting places to reunite with family or roommates
- Designated person to pick up children should you be unavailable
- Contact persons close-by and out-of-town
- Health and insurance information
- Places for your pet to stay
- Risks in your region
- Location of your fire extinguisher, water valve, electrical panel, gas valve and floor drain
Guns - (Thx hollywood) Always foremost on freshly-minted preparedness minds, but is no more or less important than any other. Just a lot more fun than stocking cans or sealing mylar bags.
Social stigma to work around
Try Target shooting, removes taboo of guns around the house. Use interactive targets like clays, balloons, and steel. Tannerite :) Start with a .22 Always! Always emphasize safety
Do not start with a pistol, as the positive feedback in target success is harder to achieve.
This leads to hunting, (cost savings in meat), healthier food choices, emphasis on need for nutrition. Renewable food source. Start with grouse, rabbit, etc. Don’t start with deer. Preferably grouse - ‘gateway’ animal and ludicrously easy to clean. Similar enough to chicken to remove the stigma attached.
Varmint removal if you have problem animals. Leads to Live trap idea and utilization
Self -Defense course for wife and kids. Krav Maga, Systema, Jiu-jitsu, Karate, Kali. Kendo if swordplay is your thing. Even Karate will help
Wait for a news article on a violent assault , emphasize need for self defense versus waiting for police response. Or, to Protect what you have in the worst case scenario. If you don’t need a gun when times are ‘WROL’ bad, then you are just collecting things for the meanest person on the block when they get desperate enough. Just know that in ‘ROL’ any use of a firearm in Canada guarantees a large legal bill, even if in the right.
Groceries as ‘food insurance’. Works for car, house, etc. Why not food? If that doesn’t make sense then you don’t need a fire extinguisher either when times are good. You have the fire department after all…..
Start with buying in bulk to save money.
Buy things on sale only. (Cost savings) Looking at you, CDN Tire.
Bulk barn bigger discounts by the bag versus bin. (Environmentaly friendly less packaging)
Costco Toilet paper. Way cheaper per roll, up front cost.
Ghosting purchases - Minimal apparent cost increase, eventually increases Peace of mind to avoid the SHTF rush. Plenty of black friday videos to draw from
I travel frequently for work and in hotels all the time around the world. I have preparedness bags for most all facets of my home life, however no bag or supplies for when I’m on the road. I’d love to develop a bag that is:
-small and light weight
-airplane friendly
-TSA & international security friendly
-tailored to life on the road in hotels
All ideas would be great.
The Travelling Prepper
Rapid Survival Sponsored. . . name will be entered into a draw for an 18 in 1 credit card multi tool
Jerry Cans enough to fill your vehicle’s tanks, and sta-bil. Rotation Plan. (<3 months)
(Ft Mcmurray fire, Hurricane, basic Bug out plan)
Episode Closing
Itunes review? (Eric)
Eric - I’m going to bring episode 6 of the Canadian Prepper Podcast to an end. . . Ian where can people find the show online?
Ian- You can find the podcast on Itunes and Podbean, and now spotify! please help us out take a few minutes and submit a review! You can also find us at prepperpodcast.ca. Stay tuned for youtube live shows in the future, our google hangouts live show is in beta test.
Ian - I was bored at work, so made a ringtone for us as well. It will be on the website soon.
Eric –Ian how can people reach you?
Ian - theislandretreat@gmail.com , and now the island retreat channel on youtube. Where can people find you Eric?
Eric – Please check out Rapid Survival www.rapidsurvival.com and get me there on live chat while buying some prepper gear, or just can also email me at feedback@prepperpodcast.ca
Eric - Thanks for joining us, and tune in for the next episode, where we will talk about the difference in Canadian versus American survival situations.
Eric - Until next time, be prepared, stay safe, and (Ian) keep learning!
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