
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Managing The Excess Time
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
News -
Alan -https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/12/weather/easter-sunday-weather-tornadoes-storms/index.html CNN report of tornadoes in mississipi and louisiana. Regular emergencies are still happening, spring thaw is coming in the North
Ian - forgot to mention, got cornered by a guy looking to get his gun license….
Window is closed. https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/firearms/impacts-services-due-the-coronavirus-disease-covid-19
Shakespeare made use of his time in quarantine
Alberta - Donating 41 million to BC, QC and ontario - https://calgaryherald.com/opinion/columnists/braid-in-striking-act-of-generosity-alberta-donates-protective-gear-worth-41-million-to-three-provinces/
Superesse Straps
Tell us how you made use of your time. Make it a goal to learn something or finish a project that’s been neglected for too long!
Upcoming events
Ian - Podcaster Charity Shoot. Hosted by Slam Fire radio. July 4th, 2020. Balmoral, NB (Restigouche Gun club)
This year’s charity of choice is the Rod Harquail Memorial Fund -
Register on practi-score to buy tickets
Eric - Emergency preparedness week May 3-9
Ian - www.survivethestorms.com code CPP10 for 10% discount
Eric - TACCOM Canada 2020 - Sept 11-13. The Canadian Pro-Gun Podcasters Network will be in attendance at TACCOM 2020. Your favourite Podcasters will be on hand throughout the show, so make sure you stop by the booth to meet your favourites and pick up some swag. You can see details for the show at the Ticket link - https://taccomcanada.tix123.com/?refer=CanadianProGunPodcasters

Sunday Apr 05, 2020

Sunday Mar 29, 2020

Sunday Mar 22, 2020

Sunday Mar 15, 2020

Monday Mar 09, 2020

Sunday Mar 01, 2020

Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Poultry for the Apocalypse
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
News -
Alan - Additional case of COvid-19 confirmed in Toronto. Pt. had returned from China recently and was likely not contagious. https://news.ontario.ca/mohltc/en/2020/02/ontario-confirms-presumptive-case-of-covid-19.html
In something that should shock no one, the government messed up and licence plates can’t be read in low light conditions. It’s going to take 3M some time to build another quarter million plates and redistribute them. In the meantime, the 407 and red light cameras can’t read the plates at night
Two off-duty cops foil robbery. Once again, good guys with guns defeat bad guys with guns
Ian - Bird flu in Hubei Province killing off chickens again…..
Pig Ebola killed off ¼ of the world’s pigs…..
Quebec and East low on propane again….
2nd time since November
Eric -
Nebraska doctors are providing coronavirus patients with chicken soup and Tylenol
PUC & Community Partners Announce Emergency Preparedness Open House on February 18th
Ended up canceled due to weather. . . Ironic? Rescheduled to Feb 25th
Tyler -
Update on the Virginia gun fight:
The proposed assault weapons ban - one of several Virginia bills that prompted protests at the state Capitol earlier this year - ended in committee this past Monday. Four Democrats broke ranks with their party to help reject the bill in a 10-5 vote and send it back to the state's Crime Commission.
Even the city of Vancouver has gotten on board, and allows 6 chickens per household. Consider getting a few hens for your backyard…… Or roosters if you don’t like your neighbours...
Day olds are available
Barring that, source a local small egg producer to get better eggs for cheaper, while building community and supply preference.
Upcoming events
Ian - Podcaster Charity Shoot. Hosted by Slam Fire radio. July 4th, 2020. Balmoral, NB (Restigouche Gun club)
Tickets on practi-score soon. Register for free.
Eric - Annual Preppers meet - second week of July , Desboro, ON
Alan - Emergency preparedness week May 3-9
TACCOM Canada 2020 - Sept 11-13. The Canadian Pro-Gun Podcasters Network will be in attendance at TACCOM 2020. Your favourite Podcasters will be on hand throughout the show, so make sure you stop by the booth to meet your favourites and pick up some swag. You can see details for the show at the Ticket link - https://taccomcanada.tix123.com/?refer=CanadianProGunPodcasters
Tyler - If you have any questions or advice for me, you can Email me at tyler@prepperpodcast.ca.
Ian - You can reach Ian directly, by emailing me at theislandretreat@gmail.com .
Eric – Please check out Rapid Survival www.rapidsurvival.com and get me there on live chat while buying some prepper gear, or you can also email me at feedback@prepperpodcast.ca (while still buying prepper gear at Rapid Survival)